Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Rapid Innovation
It is believed that fast innovation is best derived from early spending of large proportions of the development budget (>15%) on ethnographic/VOC research and early definition of the value proposition. This will, in turn, lead to greater differentiation between your newly developed offerings compared to those of your nearest competitors. And this increased differentiation gives rise to large increases in cash flow after launch onto the market and delays commoditization of your offerings.
In your opinion, would you agree with this brief analysis?
If so, what other factors do you think have the greatest influence on shortening the development cycle and driving increased sales immediately after launch?
Visit my website here and I have a new Body of Knowledge, albeit, it is at its infancy!
My guide may also be of interest to you:
Step by Step Guide to The Innovation Process: Tools and Techniques
In your opinion, would you agree with this brief analysis?
If so, what other factors do you think have the greatest influence on shortening the development cycle and driving increased sales immediately after launch?
Visit my website here and I have a new Body of Knowledge, albeit, it is at its infancy!
My guide may also be of interest to you:
Step by Step Guide to The Innovation Process: Tools and Techniques